

They Say!

I enjoyed doing both the courses and learnt a whole bunch of new, life enriching lessons.

It was an absolute pleasure meeting you in person and doing the Access Bars & Foundation courses under your leadership. In a way, I am also thankful to xxx for introducing me to you and the courses that you conduct.

I enjoyed doing both the courses and learnt a whole bunch of new, life enriching lessons.

The courses have had a solid impact on me and I am sure I can create a greater life for me in all possible ways. Would be mindful in implementing all the powerful tools that I now have with me to create a life that I wish for myself !

After four days of intensive learning, I can feel I have greater mental clarity, increased energy, lower stress levels and body tension, reduced limiting thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. I feel more free and empowered now. Everything can change. Anything is possible!

Going forward, as I put in practice more from my course learnings, I know I will experience more calm, peace, relaxation and I will be less reactive in my approach towards life, situations and people.

Your guidance was instrumental in clearing most of the key hurdles and mental blocks from my life situations and attracting more happiness and fulfillment in life.

Both of you’ll have been excellent hosts and took great care of us. I can’t thank you enough for making us feel at home in every way

A two day seminar in October 2013 with us at our Himatsingka Seide Ltd, Bangalore

Neerja Poddar conducted a two day seminar in October 2013 with us at our Himatsingka Seide Ltd, Bangalore mill which is a textile manufacturing company in Bangalore. This was held for the Design Team of about 10/12 designers.
Our purpose was to enhance free expression and release of blockages in the designers in order to help them be more creative. Neerja wove a number of self help & experiential techniques into these two days. She also conducted some individualized therapies. A sense of heightened enthusiasm, closer interaction between the individuals of the group within themselves as a team, team cohesiveness & participation was seen post this workshop. It somehow created sense of warmth.

Jayshree Poddar, Design Director
Himatsingka Seide Ltd, Bangalore

Your process of treatment had brought her composure back…

My wife Tania has been a patient of what has been previously detected to be severe bipolar disorder. But later her Doctors detected that to be a case of Paranoid Schizophrenia. When I sought for your help, she was schizophrenic, and under heavy dosage of tranquilizers, almost unaware of her surroundings.

But now, as she is under your treatment  for more than a year, she is almost back to normalcy in all respects. Your process of treatment had brought her composure back, and once again she is back to her own lively self. I only wish that all those who are affected with such disorder,  can have their life back to normalcy if they avail this treatment.


I feel alive when I am around her.

I was in great physical pain the doctors called it spondylitis and after all the treatment I felt no better. She ran my BARS and I started feeling so much better. It worked at such a deep emotional level that it made me start believing in Access Bars Completely. I feel alive when I am around her.

Suman Manaksia

You brought out a lot of deeper issues that have simmered away inside of me since childhood.

More than the MTVSS Body Process course itself, you brought out a lot of deeper issues that have simmered away inside of me since childhood. I have been introspecting since i was diagnosed with cancer but could not really nail these feelings of guilt, lack of love for myself, always being the independent man like figure in the family, forever suppressing emotions, being the strong one around etc.
So much of what you said hit me hard and right. On kindness, respecting and asking the body. I finally realised where this cancer had come from and now feel better equipped to handle the healing process.

Name withheld

The Bars are really helping me in every which way.

Just wanted to say that The Bars are really helping me in every which way. Thanks again for introducing me to this. Am being able to take clear cut decisions, make choices and demand what i want for my life. Its a great tool to guide your life the way you want.


Best therapists in the country.

She is one of the best therapists in the country. My life is completely transformed because of her.


I must express my gratitude to u ..

I must express my gratitude to u .. I made it to Mumbai  and it was all thanks to u .. throughout the flight I replayed all what we spoke about and the tools in my head and even in turbulence I didn’t lose control and panic ( despite her fear of flying and closed spaces) .. for the first time in a very long time I have felt this kind of peace.

Ashita Khaitan

Facelift brings a shift in the body.

Facelift brings a shift in the body. It taught me that my body is choosing to communicate! Pay attention. The bonus is a face which changes!

The relationship workshop! Yes! It taught me to have a relationship with myself. I am feeling stable. The swings are just 10% now. Its so amazing to be able to live life now


You are an amazing facilitator.

You are an amazing facilitator. My journey with you started with a bars class and followed by MTVSS, Access Facelift, Energy Pulls and Money class. Your classes has empowered me to create and change my reality with ease.

This testimonial is incomplete without mentioning that you have that magic to actually change the underlying energy in each participant and when the energy changes the outward situation of our lives change.


I didn’t believe that Access Bars would actually take me out of such deep waters.

The year was 2014 and Depression had already taken an upper hand when I sought help from Neerja. I didn’t believe  that Access Bars would actually take me out of such deep waters. I distinctly remember Neerja maam telling me after 6 months of her helping me, “Go Jaydev and I am sure you will become one of the best long distance runners of India.” By 2017, I was invited for the longest stadium run of India, where 27 of the best long distance runners were invited to show case their endurance from different parts of the country. Thank you Access Bars and Neerja, who have saved me from loosing the one life I have.

Today, I have also been made the face for the Kolkata Marathon, and would be campaigning for it, with Leander Paes.

Jaydev Raja